Monday, September 15, 2008

National Healthcare

I heard recently that anyone that didn't support national health care was either uncaring or stupid. I do not support national health care, I am not stupid nor am I uncaring. I say that anyone making a statement like that, someone who can't listen to both sides may be uncaring and is definitely stupid!

I think we need to evaluate our health care system. I am appalled that there are people that cannot afford to go to the doctor when they have strep throat, who have no teeth because they can't afford simple cleaning.

But we need to look at what is causing the high cost of our health care. Malpractice insurance is outrageous. I believe that if a doctor is incompetent and/or negligent he should pay. But as a society we are too quick to blame, to sue. How can we ever afford to cover everyone if we have to worry about outrageous insurance premiums.

And why should our health care plans be set at a federal level? I know that it works in Denmark. But we are so much larger than Denmark. Why not look at health care at a state or county level? What may work for the demographics in Kansas City may not work in New York. We need to think outside of the box to make it work.

And I don't think that just because you live in America you should get health care. It is not a God given right or a constitutional right. IF you think it is, please actually read the constitution.

We should not reward those who are not willing to work to earn a living. There are some that cannot work - mentally handicapped, some disabilities. But some people are just to dang lazy. I hear that there are no jobs out there. McDonald's is almost always hiring (if you can speak, you can say "want fries with that?"). At least try. Try and we will help you. Sit on your butt and well - you should get nothing. Your kids can be covered, but you deserve nothing. As much as I love my job, I would love to have someone else support me. However, I am looking for a sugar daddy (any takers?) not a government bail out!

There is nothing in our constitution that says you deserve a free ride. We all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. hey wait, the constitution doesn't even guarantee happiness, just that we can pursue it.

So get off you lazy butts, stop suing everyone for your misfortune and help us make some changes!

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